Page name: Sisters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-24 22:05:46
Last author: Kid Raven
Owner: Kid Raven
# of watchers: 10
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Hello and welcome to Sisters United

Was found and made by [Kid Raven] your big sister This wiki is for the young girls of elftown. For big sisters to look out for you all and are here to help you. To be lil sis must be under 18. If over 18 you will be a mid sis. The only way you can become a big sis is show us that you can take care of the lil or mid sis of elftown. All so a quiz will be given to you to take to all so help use with seeing if you can be a real big sis.


Sister Quizs Here

Sister quiz #1

Sister Quiz #2


Big Sister

Sister Raven

[Kid Raven]

Sister Leiara

[Khronos Atmosphaera]

Mid Sisters

[~*lil_kitsune*~]Sister Kitsune

[Nuktae-tal]Sister Nuktae-tal

[Light for the Darkness]Sister Kairi

Lil Sisters

[Amiantos Khronos]Sister Aya
[Sister Insomnia]Sister Aaralynn
[Vampire Akis]Sister Kat
[Demon Epona]Sister Epona
[*(.Randi.)*]Sister Randi

Mid Sis

Lil Sis

This is were all of the pics of the lil and mid sis are.

Username (or number or email):


[Demon Epona]: O_O Hello!!!

[Kid Raven]: hello

[Kid Raven]: ^^

[Kid Raven]: CHIEY

[Light for the Darkness]: lol!! hi!!

[Light for the Darkness]: lol how are you?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I'm doing well. I'm very tired. though...

[Light for the Darkness]: same here.. of course, its pretty late here... but anywho, I'm trying to work on some stuff at the same time before tomorrow

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Ahh... I see. I'm on here trying to help out a friend.

[Light for the Darkness]: oh really? thats cool.. I think.. yea thats cool!

[Kid Raven]: ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: lol ^-^ hihi!!

[Kid Raven]: hi how are u

[Light for the Darkness]: hi! I'm good!! how are you?

[Kid Raven]: iam good just post a new make up ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: thats good!! I think... lol

[Kid Raven]: it is ^^ have u seen any of my make-up ? Make-Up

[Light for the Darkness]: I dont think so....

[Kid Raven]: well than go look NOW jk lol but still go see them if you want

[Light for the Darkness]: I did!! those are cool!!

[Kid Raven]: thanx ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: your welcome!! ^-^

[Demon Epona]: BOO!!!!!

[Light for the Darkness]: lol hiya!!!!

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[Sister Insomnia]: Hello!!! I haven't been on in a while! How are my sisters?

[Kid Raven]: Iam going good you ?

[*(.Randi.)*]: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


[Kid Raven]: ?_? O_O

[Kid Raven]: O_O hi

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Pickchu.,

[Light for the Darkness]: -laughs- hiya

[Kid Raven]: ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: lol ^-^ I ish happy... kindof....

[*(.Randi.)*]: Kind of?!? What do you mean, Kind of!!!!!??? You should be POSITIVE if you are happy!!! *laughs*

[Kid Raven]: ^^

[*(.Randi.)*]: :D

ish this still Sherry Jo, or is this Raven speaking?

[Kid Raven]: raven

[*(.Randi.)*]: oh okay. Just wondering who I'm talking to! ^.^

[Kid Raven]: k ^^

[Demon Epona]: Sherry Jo is Tenshi-chan.

[*(.Randi.)*]: I know, but on another wiki, Tenshi-chan (as she likes to be called) was on Raven's account. See? I'm not crazy after all

[Demon Epona]: Yeah. I saw that. I got confused... I was like O_o? Tenshi chan? But that's Raven-chan?! @_@

[*(.Randi.)*]: Well, no need to be confuzzled any more!!!

[Demon Epona]: Yay!

[*(.Randi.)*]: *spins* But...NEVER STOP BEING CRAZY!

[Demon Epona]: YAY FOR CRAZYNESS!!!!!!!!!!!

[*(.Randi.)*]: I know! HOORAY!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Dah dah dah!

[Demon Epona]: ^_^ Oooh! Speaking of crazieness.... I gots a drawing I did when being mean doing my math homework!!! Yeah, uh that's what I meant!!! Heh! I do finish all my homework. I just got bored with math is all. ^-^ ... O_o? Why does it seem like all my best ideas come from when I supposed to be doing math?

[Demon Epona]: Dang. It's too small. And if I make it bigger, it gets blurry. TT_TT Maybe you guys could try making it bigger in another program. I'll put the words to it up here too.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Hmm... I dunno how to make it bigger... TT.TT

[Vampire Akis]: i can't

[Demon Epona]: Dang. Ok, Let me type up the words.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: >.< Okay!

[Kid Raven]: hello i could give it a try

[Demon Epona]: Hi. I'm typing it now, but I have to go glue pictures for my science project. I'll be back soon though.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oooh okay, Epona-chan!

[Kid Raven]: ok i try and cant TT_TT

[Demon Epona]: Ok my sisters!!!! Here are the words!! Enjoy!

       “But it’s still entertainment!!”-



/ \

This is the start. Next to the fox doodle.
-It shall never be!!! MUWAHAHA-*cough*-HAHA!!!

@_@” So, this is what comes of artist’s block?!

O_O” Oh no!! Is this what happens when brains melt?! *runs around screaming ‘my brain is melting’*

(drawing of a tree) OOF! *runs into a tree* Uhh… *screams ‘MELTING!’ then passes out*

O_o? *person comes walking down the forest path* ???? *the person pokes me with a stick*

-_- Huh? *opens eyes, and grabs the stick that poked her, all with lightning speed*

>_< Rawr! *person runs away*

o_O? *gets up, muttering, and starts walking*

(drawing of a evil tree with arms) BOOGA! BOOGA! *possessed tree grabs me*

TT_TT *sigh* What now?! *tree sets her on the ground* Tree: Your supposed to run!!

O_o? I is?!

Tree: Yes!


O_< <---- Tree

Uhh… Better try that on somebody else…

Tree: *snorts*

Ok then… *starts walking again*

…. *walks on, going off the forest path*
Oooh… *Sees an ice white stone, and a fiery red stone*

^-^ Perfect!!

*grabs a vine, and ties up the large stones, and flings them onto her back*

Heh, heh, heh!!! XD!!

*takes a chunk of the icy stone, and chews on it*

*dark blueish-black crystal that she’s wearing around her neck starts to glow*

*a dark-blue light fills the forest for a moment, and where I was, now stands a dark blueish-black dragon* (me in my dragon form.)

*breathes out a fiery blue substance from her dragon mouth*

*spreads her wings and flies away*


Or is it?!

Dun. Dun. Dunnnnn....

Oh, and next to the dragon in the drawing, it says ‘Not my dragon form’. And under the wolf drawing, that’s my RP character, so it says ‘Saborru’.

[Demon Epona]: Is that good?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: XDD! Thats funny.

[Demon Epona]: XD! Ain't it!

[*(.Randi.)*]: TERRIFIC! *giggles*

[Demon Epona]: XD!!!

[Sister Insomnia]: Haha! Awesome!!! Woot woot!

[Vampire Akis]: *hugs everyone*

[Kid Raven]: YAY HUGING ^^

[*(.Randi.)*]: *hugs Akis-chan*

[Vampire Akis]: heaheahea.....

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *floats in* LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! *blowing glass out of the windows*

[Demon Epona]: *pulls sheild over her head to protect her form the glass*

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Sorry... I was a little hyper.

[Demon Epona]: That's all right.

[*(.Randi.)*]: *plugs ears* I'm safe! *gets splintered to pieces by glass* Doh!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: NUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! *pounces on Randi* I'll save you!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Ooh.... sorry...

[Light for the Darkness]: lol its alright

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oh my gooooosh! I just caught a praying mantas! It was flying around in my room! I didn't know they could fly...

[Light for the Darkness]: lol thats awesome!!!!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: It was scary!

[Demon Epona]: They can fly?!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Yeah, I had no idea!

[Demon Epona]: Weird...

[Kid Raven]: well i missed a lot TT_TT

[Light for the Darkness]: lol you did?

[Kid Raven]: yeah i did T_T

[Light for the Darkness]: awww I sorry!!! -hugs Raven-

[Kid Raven]: YAY HUG ^^

[Kid Raven]: Hello

[Light for the Darkness]: hihi!! how are you?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Wee! I love the pictures!

[*(.Randi.)*]: Nice pictures!!

*grins and tackle-hugs Sherry Jo* Aww! Thank you for saving me!

[*(.Randi.)*]: o.o YAY! I have pixies/fairies!!! I feel so blessed!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: You're welcome!

[Kid Raven]: thanx ^^

[Demon Epona]: Hmmmm.... everyone has pics of them up.... I want to be Ninja Link for halloween, so maybe i'll put my pick up then...

[Light for the Darkness]: I cant find a good one of me... and then when I do, I cant access it completely to get it sent

[Kid Raven]: thats kool ^^ just when you do send them to me ^^

[Demon Epona]: Ok.

[Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ kk will do!!! I promise!!

[Kid Raven]: k ^^

[Kid Raven]: How are the sisters today ?

[Light for the Darkness]: I'm good!! and you?

[Kid Raven]: doing good

[Demon Epona]: *pokes Raven* O_O Are you a model?

[Kid Raven]: me no why ? O_O

[Demon Epona]: Because you look like you could be a model.

[Kid Raven]: ohh thanx i get that a lot ^_^ O_O i guess its a good thing

[Demon Epona]: Yeah.

[Kid Raven]: hay there quiz i have post up there for all of the sisters to do ^^

[Nuktae-tal]: wwwooooowwwwww

[Kid Raven]: ??

[Nuktae-tal]: um..the sisterhood thing

[*(.Randi.)*]: I took both of the quizes! Whee!

[Nuktae-tal]: cool!

[Vampire Akis]: Hey to all

[*(.Randi.)*]: Hey to you!

[Vampire Akis]: How are you guys?

[*(.Randi.)*]: eh...and you?

[Vampire Akis]: me good I guess.... *looks at my pic on here* wow I'm so gorgeous! ^^ lol

[*(.Randi.)*]: Can't beat the fairies though!

[Demon Epona]: Hello sisters!

[Light for the Darkness]: hilo!! how are you?

[Demon Epona]: Good! How are you?

[Light for the Darkness]: thats good!! I'm good!! thanks for asking!!!

[Demon Epona]: Yay!!! So, whatcha doing?

[Light for the Darkness]: nothing really! just getting ready to put some music on my mp3 then go to bed.. you?

[Kid Raven]: hello

[Light for the Darkness]: hello!!! -hugs Raven-

[Kid Raven]: YAY ^^

[Kid Raven]: Hello

[Kid Raven]: [

Hey sisters tell me you sister name if you don't like the one I have put up all ready ok ^^


[Demon Epona]: Looks fine to me!

[Kid Raven]: ok ^^

[*(.Randi.)*]: *looks* ayup, I'm good.

[*(.Randi.)*]: *cocks head*

[Vampire Akis]: hey :)

[Kid Raven]: hello

[Vampire Akis]: how are you sist?

[Kid Raven]: iam doing really good and you ?

[Vampire Akis]: 'I need him.. I love him...'

[Kid Raven]: ok ?

[*(.Randi.)*]: She's talking about Vyse, right?

[Vampire Akis]: ot really.... but I love him too.

[Demon Epona]: ?.?

[*(.Randi.)*]: We don't talk much anymore, Vyse and I. Gee, I wonder why..? I'll have to say hi to him the next chance I have.

[Light for the Darkness]: -smiles a little- sounds nice.. and fun.. poor you!! I know the feeling.. kindof..

[Kid Raven]: hello

[Demon Epona]: Hi.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *busts in and starts dancing on Raven's computer* Tah tah taaah tahtahtah taaah!!!

[Light for the Darkness]: O.O lmao!!!! hi Tenshi!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *still dancing* HIIIIIII!!! *waves*

[Light for the Darkness]: -laughs and waves back-

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *dancing* You know, this computer isn't hers. It's her boyfriends... XD

[Light for the Darkness]: O.O hahaha thats not good!!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: He gunna kiiiiiill me! *dances harder*

[Light for the Darkness]: O.O lmao!!!! you want him to!?!?!?!?!?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: XD Sure sure! He can try! *stomping*

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *Raven's computer is finally smashed*

I don't know why I did that...

[Light for the Darkness]: lol me neither!!!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Poor computer...

[Demon Epona]: O_O *looks at the smashed computer* ...

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *feels proud of the smashed computer*

[Kid Raven]: Hello

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oh. Hi Raven. I guess you need to read all that has been posted.... beccause I smashed your computer.

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